Thursday, October 10, 2019

Thanksgiving DIY centrepiece

Hey London, long time no blog!

So sorry for the EXTREME lack of blogging, but you guys have been keeping me busy on my Facebook page!  

I was picking up some pumpkins from this amazing local pumpkin patch on Sarnia and Hyde Park. GO THERE if you live in Northwest London. They are such a great little farm, literally sandwiched in the middle of the tracks and a busy intersection! Here's a link to their Facebook page.  I grabbed a couple of small ones to make my annual pumpkin centerpiece and then I thought I'd share how I make them with you!  It's definitely a "local" thing, since I picked up the pumpkins at Phillips' farms. Sadly, I was in a rush so the flowers I grabbed from my "local" grocery store.  I bought a bunch of different mixes so I could create a unique bouquet for each centerpiece. 

Here's what you need: 

Pumpkins! Preferably round enough to fit a small mason jar/vase/old jam jar. Any colour will do! I LOVE white ones, warty ones, but the smooth orange ones are just as pretty :) 

Mason jars (small enough to fit in the pumpkin, reason being is that water leaks right through the pumpkin skin if you just put water in them.) OR a florists green cube OR a small vase OR an upcycled glass jam jar.

Flowers! Berries! Greenery! Your choice for what you put in there :) 

Here's how I made them:

I cut the pumpkin and dug out the seeds, as if you were making a jack'o'lantern, but I made the top big enough to fit a small mason jar. I also kept the seeds to bake after.

Then I picked over the flowers and found suitable ones for a "fall-ish" colour scheme.  I also went out to my backyard and picked some of my long grass tips - they're so pretty and harvest-y (yes, I'm making that a word). 

I filled a mason jar half way with water and created my bouquet in the mason jar before putting it in the pumpkin, making sure that I had a few longer stems around the edges which would hide the pumpkin hole nicely.  I kept the hardier mums and berries shorter and in the middle.  Play with height for interest.

Plunk your mason jar into your pumpkin and voila! You have a lovely, fun and festive centrepiece! Guaranteed to make YOU smile or any hostess as a lovely gift! 

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving, wherever you are and with whomever you are celebrating. 

Have a great day, London :)