Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Ah summer!

Ah the glory days of summer! They are almost upon us as we wind down school, and wind up all things summer.  From BBQ-ing, to going to the beach, to hanging out at the pool, summer is a time that makes us all a little more carefree and a little more, dare I say it, happy?

I've posted earlier about things that are going on in London during the summer - there are lots of great festivals and fun activities for the family to do.  And while I am very compelled to constantly be planning something to do, I also feel like I want to sit back and smell the proverbial roses this summer and just let summer "be." I want to be able to feel zero guilt if I decide to laze on my hammock while my kids happily play in the yard.  And you know what? I want to laze on my hammock even if the kids are complaining about being bored, and whining about how hot it is outside.  Yup. It's hot kids. Go turn on the sprinkler because we don't have a pool and mama's not getting out of the hammock right now to take you to one - is this wrong? I don't think so.  I've provided my munchkins with lots to do in our pool-less backyard (giant playhouse included) and I don't see why they can't figure out some fun and cool things to do without me constantly planning for them and getting them more stuff that will amuse them for some outside summer fun.

That being said, I'm going to, sort of, go back on my word of not telling kids what to play by compiling a list of things that bring us back to a "slower" time.  A time when summer would stretch out endlessly between that last, glorious day of school to the dreaded 7AM wake up call, the first day back. To defend myself, this list uses as many things from home as possible - no need to whip out to the store to buy stuff.  So here are a few things that I think kids and adults alike can enjoy and do for the sake of "doing," instead of planning.  As always, feel free to add in the comments below.  I'd love to hear about your sweet memories of fun!

  • Impromoptu campout:  Grab that playtent and let the kids (and yourself, if they are small) spend a night outside.  Forgot to buy the ingredients for smores? Don't have a sleeping bag? Grab any snack from the cupboard, blankets from the couch and bring them into the tent - just being outside at a weird time of day makes anything seem extraordinary!

  • Make a fort outside:  Blankets, pillows, tarps, ropes, beach umbrella... grab anything that could create a fun play space for the kids.  Bonus if you have trees with boughs low enough that the kids could attach their blankets to them.

  • Beachball soccer:  Have the kids kick as hard as they can and the ball still won't be turfed into the neighbours lawn.  Even more fun if you throw a sprinkler into the mix - watch for slippery grass though, no need for accidents!

  • Sidewalk chalk:  Not just for sidewalks!  If you're cool with it, have the kids decorate your shed, fence, side of the house. lawn chairs, or interlocking brick and create graffiti style fun all over! Make sure the chalk washes off easily afterwards with a hose since I've had some interesting results of "sidewalk chalk" NOT coming off, even after the most torrential downpour. 

  • Picnics:  Take lunch outside or maybe into that fort you created. 

  • Arts'n'Crafts picnic:  Throw down a blanket and take outside whatever craft your kiddo is into. Lego, playdough, cut and paste, beads, anything goes and always seems more fun under a tree or in an outdoor fort. Throw on some music, and have snacks in bowls for them to munch on while working away. Tidy up is simple by tucking the corners of the blanket in and gathering the mess in the middle.

  • Watch the sunset : Grab a bowl of popcorn and have a seat as the sun goes down - especially if you have a great western view.  You'd be surprised at how many great conversations can pop up as day slowly turns into dusk.

  • Dance party:  Bring some tunes outside, invite the neighbourhood kids and have a great time dancing! If you want to fancy-it-up, throw some balloons and streamers  into the mix.  Throw around some water balloons or turn on the trusty sprinkler for some cooling-off dancing.  Again - watch for slippery grass!
Photo courtesy of CC Lewis

There are so many options for enjoying summer in your own backyard. Take the time to sit back and literally, relax. It does wonders for making a person feel great. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go and enjoy my hammock whilst doing nothing at all. 

Have a great day, London.

Disclaimer: Locally Urban Mom is not responsible for any harm that may come to individuals partaking in the abovementioned activities, or damages that may be incurred to property. As always, the opinions expressed are solely those of the Locally Urban Mom's.  Locally Urban Mom does urge you to get out there, stay safe and have some fun :)

Friday, June 17, 2016

Strawberry Fields forever

If you haven't already noticed - the grocery stores and markets are starting to offer some yummy local produce including fresh, green asparagus and delicious, sweet strawberries. Mmmm. But if you have some time, and I personally suggest you find some, head on over to Heeman's, located at 20422 Nissouri Rd in Thorndale, just East of the London Airport.  It's a gem of a place that I've mentioned before in an earlier post on gardening (made so much more fun by coming to places like this!)

So, what does Heeman's have to offer? Only the best strawberries in London (in my humble opinion).  You can go and pick up a quart, or a flat, or more, of delicious freshly picked strawberries or you can go pick them yourself.  Right now, the U-Pick isn't open, but will be in late June/early July.  Just in time for the end of school! Check out their schedule on their website (see the link above).

I went with my kiddos last Friday during the PD day, and there was a lineup at 11am to buy strawberries!  While you are there, you can grab a strawberry sundae as well.  My little ones don't necessarily like to shop, but they love to peruse the aisles of flowers offered here - the greenhouses in the back have a fantastic selection of perennials, annuals, shrubs, herbs, trees, vegetable plants... you name it, they have it.  There's a beautiful pond/rock garden area where you can sit and enjoy the view (or your strawberry sundae), and if you're keen on learning about gardening or just don't have a green thumb and want some help, they have a gardening school and great workshops that they offer year-round, find the link here.  I find their prices super reasonable and the whole experience of going to Heeman's just a whole lot of fun.  Plus they are as local as you can get and have been around forever (well, since 1963 anyway!) and the staff is uber helpful (I always end up striking a conversation with them when I'm there... chatterbox that I am).

So come on out, grab a few quarts of delicious, local strawberries, walk around and find a new plant or flower to brighten up your yard.  I guarantee you'll have a great time and leave with a smile (and maybe a strawberry stain or two!).

Have a great day, London.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Takin' a walk on the wild (or not so wild) side...

This time of year always brings people out to the streets, parks and local outdoor places. Especially if you feel like taking a stroll. Walking is great for the whole family and there are so many neat places to explore in this city that, in many cases, can only be traversed by foot.  I highly encourage you and your little ones to explore a nearby park/forest in your area and see what it has to offer - you'll be surprised at how many beautiful pockets of woodland London has hiding amongst the buildings and nestled in neighbourhoods. 

Let's chat about the more public places for a minute.  London has so many parks!  Springbank Park down in Byron (South West London) is a big hit for walking/biking/rollerblading/skateboarding along the Thames.  It has lots of areas for soccer, BBQing, picnics, a splash pad and a few climbers for the kids.  It also houses the infamous Story Book Gardens, home of local London fun for the past few decades (see the link to StoryBook here).  There's Harris Park and Gibbons Park - both located downtown and great for more splash pad fun (splash pads open Victoria Day weekend and close Labour Day weekend).  At many of the parks you can find tennis courts (Gibbons Park being one of them), basketball courts, and always a picnic table area where you can enjoy some food and sunshine.  Local neighbourhoods have many Optimist Parks that house climbers for kids, more splash pads and even outdoor pools.  Check out the link to most of the major public parks in the city here.

Image courtesy of:
Feel like taking a walk through London?  There's a fantastic walk and bike path that offers you a leisurly stroll or a true hike through the forest city.  It basically starts in Byron (the neighbourhood located in South West London) in Springbank Park, and you can follow it all the way downtown and up to Western University.  There are beautiful views of the river, and lots of options for people that don't just feel like walking: You can bike, rollerblade, take your dog, scooter, or even skateboard(although  watch for the signs that warn you where it might be prohibited to use certain modes of transport depending on the part of the path you use).  Find the map to this bike path and more great places to hike here.
There are also so many gems of trails in our city that are lesser known and so much fun to walk! Medway Valley is a great place to take the kids and has breathtaking views of the Medway Valley Creek that has carved its way through the valley and meanders through gorgeous rocky precipices from Fanshawe/Wonderland area all the way to the Elsie Perrin Estates, down the road from Western University.  See a map of the trails here.  Be forewarned: Dogs must be on leashes and bikers aren't allowed here since the trails can be fairly narrow (I tried to take my kiddo in a running stroller through there once.  No dice.  It's best to take your itty bitties strapped to your back in a hiking-safe carrier).

Fanshawe Lake is a more well-known hiker's paradise (out in the North East end of London. See link here) but still a lovely as you can choose the trails that go along the lake itself.  There are various trails to choose from with various levels of difficulty.  Plus a great campground not far away that you can use for a day, or for a few weeks at a time. 

Know about the Komoka Trails? Then you'll also know about the gorgeous scenery to take in there as well.  Another beloved spot for locals that live in the Komoka/Kilworth/Byron area, it is a great walk and is great for young families too.  Check out the link here.

Warbler Woods is a small woodsy area located, again, in the Byron area of town.  If you are feeling like a workout, take a run through this forested area - there are two giant hills that go through this forest and give you a great bang for your workout buck (see the ESA link below for more info). 

Sifton Bog is also a great place to check out, if you want to pick some wild apples and maybe even see a deer or two.  It's located in the Oxford/Hyde Park/Riverside area of town.  The official entrance can be found off of Oxford Street West, just across the street from the TD Bank and Super Store area (see the ESA link below for more info).

There are fun clubs that have been around for while that offer nature walks, and group walks where you can meet other people and chat while strolling through our lovely city.  See the links for some of these options here:

Nature Walks

Home Hiking London TVTA

For more information on other great hidden-away places, check out the following link on London's Environmentally Significant Areas (ESA's).  There are so many to choose from, there is bound to be one near you that you can stroll through with your family. Please read their guidelines, however, since many of these areas contain species you might not want to encounter by yourself... or at all...plants and animals alike.   

So get out there, London, and walk your way through this gorgeous, forested city of ours.  Just be sure to always read the warnings, signs and follow all rules while out there to stay safe and always be sure to have a way to communicate with others in case of an emergency.   

As always, feel free to share in the comments below, or on our facebook page (click here), about the places YOU like to go for a walk in London.  I'm sure I've missed a few gems :)

Have a great day, London!

Image courtesy of

The abovementioned information is for entertainment purposes only. Locally Urban Mom is not responsible for misuse or any harm incurred when using pathways and trails that have been suggested in the blog post.  Locally Urban Mom does urge everyone to be careful, and use prudence and safety guidelines when using the aforementioned trail and park locations

Friday, May 27, 2016

Ready for Summer?

As we near the end of the school year, many of us parents tend to gear up to gear down... by this I mean we are looking into camps, programs, sports teams, and other such summer indulgences for our kids to enjoy during the long, hot summer months ahead.  There are parents out there that are experts in the signing up field.  They are the ones that are ready in January, schedule in hand, to book their children into coveted places their kids enjoy year after year.  For those that haven't already decided what they would like their littles to do, or maybe are just starting to dabble in the world of organized summertime fun, I will attempt to blog about some of these great places here in this post today.  I'll also include a list of various events that will be happening around London during the summer months that the whole family could enjoy.  Is it a bit early to blog about this? Nope.  Like I said, lots of parents have already signed their kiddos up for all their summer activities, but never fear, there is always something to do in this great city of ours, regardless of timelines or sign up dates.
As always, feel free to add events, or a brief review about the events listed in the comment section or email me so I can add it to the blog post itself :)  You should be able to click on the name of the event itself to get to the website.  

Have a great day, London!
Image from (google images)

Image from (google images)

Sports Western: A great camp for the kids who like to play a variety of sports.  Age ranges from 4 to 14.  

 John Hatch Sports Camps: A camp dedicated to various sports, but also offers day camps specifically for those interested in tennis. 

Circle R Ranch: A fun time for children who enjoy horses and summer time fun. 

London Optimists: Lots of options here for kids in their very own neighbourhood.  Easy for parents to get to and from these camps.

Fanshawe Pioneer Village: Fulfill a dream of living in the "pioneer times" by joining this day camp!  

London Regional Children's Museum: Arts and crafts and so much more!

Museum London (Art Gallery): Learn how to create various masterpieces of your very own!

Original Kids:  Like to act? Sing and dance? This camp is definitely for you!  

YMCA Day Camps/Overnight Camp: The classic "summer camp" scenario, right here!


Spectrum Program: A great overview of activities offered in London for the very young all the way to the young at heart.  Many of the popular activities book up very quickly so check out the pdf file to see what's still available!


June 4, 2016: Gathering on the Green (South London):
Old South has an annual party to kick off summer in friendly neighbourhood fashion.  

June 11, 2016: Dragon Boat Festival
Check out a yearly tradition on Fanshawe Lake- gorgeous boats and fun times!

June 17-19, 2016: Kid's Expo
The kid's expo is one big party for kids in Victoria Park - be prepared to have lots of fun! For those that have Facebook, find their Facebook page here

June 18, 2016: Woodfield Street Fair
Come out and enjoy some good neighbourly fun in Historic Woodfield.

June 24-26, 2016: OPA! Greek Festival
"What? You don't eat no meat? It's ok... I make lamb...." Get your Greek on at this most excellent culinary and cultural festival!

Image from (
July 7-10, 2016: Sunfest
Salsa anyone? Lots of dancing, food and fun to be had here.

July 13-16, 2016: Rock the Park 
Feel the beat at Rock the Park.  Lots of great music so bring your best dance moves.

July 15-17, 2016: Home County Folk and Art Festival
Feeling crafty? Like guitar music? Head on over to check out some local fare. 

July 28- Aug 1, 2016: Rib Fest
Bring your appetites to London's biggest BBQ party.  Lots of BBQ trucks to choose from, and so much more delicious goodness within the park too.

*I know I have missed a TON of other really neat stuff going on in the city this summer.  Please feel free to add in comments!*

Most of the information found was obtained from Events London(

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Making our community payback at a time

Early on in my teaching career, I decided it was important for the kids that I taught to not just know the Abc's and 123's, but also about "life stuff." By "life stuff" I mean seeing the big picture, and trying to understand the world that they live in by how they affect it, and how it affects them. 

As we all know, most people these days live in a bubble.  Social media, internet, whatever you want to call it, has caused us to enclose ourselves in our own little world where we check up on our lives through various platforms on social media.  We contribute to society by "liking" things, "tagging" ideas, writing our opinions for all to see and speculate on (not unlike what I am doing now, so I am completely part of this world too). Overall, I have to say that social media is a GREAT way to make an impact, create change, show people we care, etc. but how many of us really take the time to try and impact society in the real world around us, on an every day basis? And I don't mean in a "Me to We big"  kind of way. (Craig Keilburger was a giant influence on the way I started to teach, by the way.  He's the one that made me stop and think about how I can make my tiny world a better place. See his website here).  I'm talking about the small stuff.  This idea, taking a minute and leaving our comfort zone to interact with others in a positive way, is what I started to try and impress on my impressionable class as a lifestyle change.  It wasn't something I taught them, but it was something that the class and I would try to integrate into our daily routine.  I can't take all the credit for this though.  Not only did "Me to We" show me a different way to think, but I was heavily influenced by an amazing teacher that lives right here in London and does exactly this: She shows her class and people around her that life is so much more than the circle that they live in and create for themselves. She always showed them this concept in a way that inspired, lifted them up and encouraged people to try to make that positive impact in other's lives.  You know who you are, my friend, and I am sending you a giant shoutout over cyberspace, along with your many, MANY fans. 

So, what are these little things can have such a big impact? And how does it affect our city?  Let's think about "paying it forward." (Great movie, by the way. Also a game changer for me).  For instance, I was just on Facebook (naturally!) and someone had posted that they were at a Tim Horton's and the person in front of them had paid for their coffee.  That simple act brightened their day enough to post about it on social media.  And you can bet that person will have an extra lift to their step today, and might even pay the favour on to someone else.  We've heard about this concept many times over, but it really never gets old, does it?  The same thing happened to me.  It was morning rush hour, the usual London traffic was inching it's way through the city, and people were extra crabby that particular day.  I drove into my local Tim's, and saw that the lineup for the drive through was insane. I sighed and braced myself for a long wait and lots of grumbling.  I saw a lady in her car pull up to another part of the drive through that sort of leads to a driveway (if you know the Sherwood Forest Tim's, you'll know what I'm talking about).  Anyway, usually when people try to sneak into the drive through using this route it gets them a LOT of honking and stares because technically it's like cutting in.  I sighed and waved this lady through and let her "butt" in front of me.  I shrugged my shoulders at the car next to me, that honked indignantly.  Long story short, when I got to the window to pay, the lady who I had let through had paid for my coffee and told the cashier to tell me THANKS.  I smiled and immediately felt remorse for gritting my teeth and grumbling about her. I drove along thinking that maybe it's not so bad to take 5 seconds and help someone out.  Even if it's a silly gesture like letting someone in at a drive through.  Ok, so most of the  a time you're not going to get a free coffee out of the deal, but doing that deed of kindness does make you feel pretty darn good.  And that's what it's all about, I think.

I find that Londoners are pretty good for this.  I mean, it doesn't occur everywhere I look, but it still happens.  Little tiny things that make you go "hey, life isn't all that bad, is it?" Know that guy who waits at the median for money at the busy intersection? Maybe that extra doughnut you got as an indulgence could go to this guy.  Granted, I've done this kind of thing before and got the exact opposite of gratitude from these people - hey, I don't always have an extra toonie hanging around, in this day of credit and debit.  The kind gestures don't have to be monetary:  Holding the door for a mom who's got her hands full with a stroller and toddler, asking if that older gentleman would like help with his grocery bags, or even just smiling at someone when they look at you (most of us are so busy looking down at our phones, or away from actual faces... it's amazing what a smile can do) all these things are so simple and yet have a great impact on our outlook on life.  It makes someone's day a tiny bit more rosy. 

I usually think a lot about giving back during the Christmas holidays - when the time of need is great in our community and lots of people could use an extra hand or heart (figuratively speaking of course). But why not extend this way of thinking throughout the year?  Why can't we as Londoner's always take a quick second to say "how can I make this situation a bit better?" And again, I'm not talking about a huge change, I'm talking about the little things. Because in the end, it's all about the little things anyway, right?

Google image taken from
Feel free to comment below about situations that you've been in that made you smile, or about things we can do as Londoners to continue making our city a great place to live. And you can be sure that there will be another post on local things to do to make your every day a give-back day.

Have a great day, London :)

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The 411 on Victoria Day F-U-N

Hey London,
Photo courtesy of Google images
I wanted to share with you a few events that might be fun for you to do on the weekend in and around the London area.  Feel free to post your own events in the comment section below and share this post with friends!

Children's Museum is offering a free family fun night on Friday May 20, 2016 from 5-8pm. Check our their website here:

East Park Golf and Waterpark is opening it's doors  for the season this weekend!  Check out the link here:

Fanshawe Pioneer Village is opening for the season. There will also be a special presentation with "Queen Victoria" on Monday.  Admission cost for this event is $8. Check out more info here:

Fanshawe Optimist Fireworks display will be happening at dusk on the 23rd of May.  Cost is $15 per car.  Check out more info here:

Storybook Gardens will be hosting an "Explore a Park Day" event for families on May 23, 2016.  Cost is $5 for adults and children 2-17.  There's a discount for families.  Check out more info here:

Eldon House will host a Victoria Day picnic on May 23, 2016 from 1-4pm where you get to meet Queen Victoria and dine on lemonade and cookies, as well as enjoy some games from the Victorian era.  Cost is $8 admission fee.  Check out more info here:

All this info was found courtesy of Tourism London :)

Have a great day and long weekend, London!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

May 2-4...ain't what it used to be

As we approach the kick-off-to-summer long weekend, lovingly known as "May 2-4" by us Canadians (in actuality, it's a weekend dedicated to Queen Victoria's birthday), we excitedly make plans for glorious backyard BBQ's, maybe some fireworks, a cottage getaway weekend and...wait for it....GARDENING! That's right London. For me, gone are the days of pure relaxation and tanning in the "let's pretend it's July" May sunshine.  It's a weekend of getting mulch onto my flower beds and pulling the darn weeds out of my haphazard lawn.  When did this change? When did I decide that succumbing to mother nature (on my hands and knees, no less) was a better option than drinking that 2-4 with friends and family?! I'm assuming it happened the day I closed on my house.  When I realized that the jungle that was my backyard needed serious taming if I wanted to enjoy any part of it in the hot, hazy summer months.  And tradition states that, in my household, gardening will seriously start in April and end MAY 2-4 weekend (not to be confused with maintaining my garden. Oh no...maintenance continues, joyously - yes, sarcastic is the tone meant there - for the whole of summer and into fall and even into December according to climate change over the past few years.)  That being said, I try every year to be as low-maintenance with my gardening as possible.  A few planters with some happy flowers here, some herbs there, LOTS of perennials that happily come up every year no matter how terrible my tending skills are throughout the summer months.  It still, however, takes work. As anyone with a yard knows.  The lawn needs TLC (nematodes for the  grubs which, ew, by the way, I don't touch... I realize they come in balls that dissolve in water but it still grosses me out), maybe some aeration, topsoil, fertilizer, grass seed... the list goes on. And then there's the watering.  All of that work to keep a lawn nice. Oh, and I completely support the idea of keeping dandelions on lawns for the bees. YES. Wholeheartedly agree.  Who doesn't love a yellow flower anyway? And if you have a rock garden or an English garden instead of a lawn (think pretty flowers, grasses, ornamental rocks, etc.) that still takes work since there's always weed-pulling, or rearranging to do.  My neighbour has a fantastic garden, both in his front and back yard and often he will find me peeking over, drinking in the gorgeous flower beds and carefully tended roses.  And he is out there in the spring, summer and fall.  No exception. 

Picture from Heeman's on Facebook
So, what makes this job easier? And let's face it...more fun? Well, I find visiting local greenhouses and garden centres in the spring a kind of therapy for me.  You walk into these places, and the colours and smells of all the lovely plants and veg just makes me want to buy it all and plunk it in my yard. I also find myself sauntering up and down these aisles and picking something that I might not usually gravitate towards.  A hibiscus in a lovely orange, you say? Why yes, please. That would look stunning on my patio.... a "Ketchup and Fries" plant ? How fun! Of course I need that!   All of the choices and variety makes me happy to be able to find a home for one of the beauties offered in these places. 

Keep in mind, I am talking about LOCAL places.  Heeman's being a personal favourite. Check out their website here (more on them later, because if you know Heeman's you know about their AMAZING strawberries!!!).  And Parkway Gardens out in Hyde Park is another great place.  I could list a ton more, but I'll stick to those two for now. For my flowers and vegetables, I really try to avoid the bigger stores, as those tend to a) clear out stock fast and b) give me hives.  Why do I get hives? Let me sum it up for you in one sentence:  Buying mulch from Costco on a Saturday afternoon in May.  NO THANKS.  Price-wise, I have to say that Costco is totally the way to go when it comes to buying in bulk.  And mulch is something everyone buys in bulk.  At $4 a bag (and it's a giant bag) who wouldn't shop there for mulch?  Apparently the entire city of London is in agreement with this steal of a deal because in one fell swoop a giant truckload of mulch was gone in two days.  Flat. And no, they aren't getting any more in this season. I checked already.

Going back to my local and lovely places:  If you want to saunter, enjoy, pick something neat, help out a local business and just "take in" the wonderful part of gardening? Go to local places here in London. Van Horik's, which used to be on Gainsborough near Hyde Park but closed last year, had a lovely koi pond and fountain display that I remember used to bring out the "zen' in me as a kid.  Heeman's (as mentioned above) has really unique items and always has great produce that's locally available when in season. Like I said, get their strawberries! Parkway Gardens has a beautiful selection of ready-made planters as well as great staff on hand to help you pick appropriate things for your type of yard or garden.  Take the kids too, and let them explore the herbs and vegetable section.  There are cute and tiny tomatoes, peppers and all sorts of plants can be purchased for your littles to grow themselves.

So, yes, May 2-4 isn't exactly the same as it used to be around my house, but it still signifies a great kick-off to summer and the promise of enjoying my backyard with that 2-4, and a green(ish) thumb. 

Have a great Victoria Day weekend, London!

ps. Feel free to share your fave places in the comment section below and tell us why. Especially if it's closer to a part of London that you live in. 

All the opinions expressed in this post are solely those of Locally Urban Mom's. No endorsement of any kind was offered and it is truly believed that these local places are a wonderful asset to our community.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Hey vegans... you know how to eat!

You know how you get to the end of a busy day, only to open the fridge and wonder what you're going to make for dinner? Can you salvage a meal out of last night's leftover pad Thai and that morsel of meat that's been hanging out in your fridge since last Thursday? Or how about the pantry where a half finished bag of lentils is resting behind that (possibly ancient) can of lima beans? If you are anything like me, you have good intentions of meal planning for the week on Sundays, but end up watching Downton Abbey instead, after an exhausting weekend of activities, functions and catching up on laundry (hydro's cheaper on weekends and evenings, people).  This leads me to my never-ending dinner-pondering.  What to make, what to make.... I should make this my mantra.

So I write all this as a precursor to my actual blog post, which is about the amazing invention known as: The Meal Kit.   A whole kit consisting of everything you need to make one type of meal.  Produce, spices, condiments, fresh produce. Everything is all there in a lovely package for you to make a fresh, and flavourful dinner. Can I just say this is one of the best things I've seen on the market since, well, the proverbial sliced bread? Yes. It is that great. It allows me to cook (which I love to do) and also to stop wasting time drumming my fingers on the fridge door (see first paragraph).

After writing about how much I love their business and their products, Globally Local (see blog post here) was awesome enough to send me a treat in the form of a meal kit to try out for myself.  I received the package on Monday, delivered straight to my door (no physical shopping needed folks, just some online clicks and wholesome food gets sent to your house...which is also why I LOVE this business). When I opened the box, there inside were two bags filled with yummy produce just waiting to be made into four meals (two meal kits come in one box but the portions are large enough for one dinner for two plus a next day lunch or dinner). One was a meal kit for Teriyaki Rice Noodle Stir Fry and the other was Vegan Enchiladas. I put the bags straight into the fridge.  I didn't make the first meal until the following day, however, due to a hectic start to the week.

The next day, I pulled out the "Stir Fry with Rice Noodles" meal kit.  Inside was everything I needed.
The produce was fresh, the spices were pre-measured and divided into packets. Everything was labelled and the recipe came on one sheet.  The front of the sheet had tidbits about the meal I was going to make, a picture of all the ingredients and cooking utensils I would need, plus approximate prep and cook time.  The back had step by step directions plus pictures of how to make the meal.  This was excellent!  No flipping pages in my bulky cookbook or recipe binder, no clicking my phone/ipad to refresh the page... one simple leaflet to follow. I got to work.  And sure enough, within the time frame given, I presented proudly to my husband and 5 year old (the one year old didn't care, he was busy eating the rice noodles already) a delicious-smelling dinner. It took me about 40 minutes from start to finish, and this was amidst two sick kids, people coming in and out of my house, as well as interruptions from those pesky telemarketers that decide 5:30pm is a great time to call about getting your ducts cleaned. One tip: Read the recipe and prep beforehand so you know what steps to take and when - there is some multi-tasking involved, but it works out as long as you read the leaflet ahead of time (5 mins max). We all enjoyed the meal immensely.  It was satisfying, fresh and there were plenty of leftovers for the next day.  Another perk to the meal kit is that because everything is pre-measured there was ZERO waste.  I love this.  I always end up with a "tiny" bit of some ingredient or other from meals that I make.  Sure, they go into other recipes, but it was nice to be able to use something all up for a change in one go.  Ingredients that I would never buy due to the fact that I would only use them once, were also nice to have premeasured.  Fresh ginger, for instance, is something that I don't often have on hand, and was given in the meal kit. I diced up the ginger - just enough for the stir fry alone, and voila! I got the kick of ginger with no leftover piece to sit forlornly in my fridge (next to last Thursday's meat). The meal kit also allows for flexibility.  There were sesame seeds given to sprinkle on the stir fry at the end of the recipe, which I did but I had purposefully saved some for another recipe that I'm going to make later on this week.  Bonus! Organic sesame seeds for me!

I won't go into as much detail about the second meal I made from this meal kit (amazing Vegan Enchiladas!! Mmmm!) But I can tell you that it was timely, delicious and extremely filling. My kiddo even helped me make dinner, and this NEVER happens, lest I interrupt the only TV viewing of the day. Gasp.  I was, yet again, delighted with the pre-measured packets, the fresh produce and how easily everything came together.  Spices that I wouldn't normally use came to life in my kitchen and, I swear, the whole neighbourhood smelled like a Mexican restaurant, it was that good.  Leftovers were plentiful and we gladly ate the rest the next day. 

I am a vegan part of the time during the year (my religion observes lent and fasting two times a week plus for certain lengths of time throughout the year, like now!) and I will be ordering meal kits in the future regardless of lent, because frankly, the food is just that good.  Thanks, Globally Local, for letting me have a go at your delicious meal kits. It was a treat and you will be seeing me online purchasing a few more of these goodies in the very near future. 

Have a great day, London .

The opinions expressed in this blog post are solely those of the Locally Urban Mom.  A big thank you to Globally Local for providing the meal kit and putting smiles on my family members' faces.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Giving Back....

I have a friend who is really, really good at what she does.  She is a wonderful photographer and one of the most hard-working, passionate people I have ever met.  She had a dream of becoming a photographer and not only did she achieve her dream, but she became a successful entrepreneur, allowing her quality of work to speak for itself which led to a large clientele that keeps expanding every day.

Image courtesy of One-12 Photography
Cynthia Bendle, of One-12 Photography, photographs anything from weddings, to cake smashes (so cute!) and bends over backwards for her clients, travelling all over the world to capture someone's special moment in time.  One of Cynthia's specialities is photographing newborn babies.  A lot of people think of the "Anne Geddes" babies when they think of newborn photo shoots but Cynthia's are so much more than that. The babies that come to Cynthia become stars all in their own right.  From dressing up in pearls and beads, to little tiny cowboys, to beautifully wrapped cocoons of ultimate baby cuteness - these pictures are hard not to squeal at (it's been done.  Ask my family members who wonder what my high-pitched "awwww's" are all about). So London, if you're looking for a great photographer who really listens to what clients want, and delivers beautiful, quality photos that capture a moment that will last forever, give Cynthia a shout.
My spiel doesn't end here, folks.  I wanted to talk a little (ok, a lot)  about something that Cynthia does "on the side."  I put this in quotes because I believe that it is so much more than "a side gig" for her, and means so much to so many people.  Not only does Cynthia have her business, but she takes her wonderful talent and gives back to our community.  Cynthia and a fellow photographer, Heather MacEachern-Tarasick (owner of HRM Photography - also awesome) have united their talents to create "Love Never Ends." A non-for-profit organization that celebrates the lives of those who are terminally ill, or are in palliative care, through photographs.  What a heart-breaking, yet completely beautiful way to remember your loved ones.  Cynthia and Heather take time out of their busy schedules to meet up with people who want to capture their loved ones in a special, almost reverent, moment in time, and create cherished memories for these grieving families that will last forever.  They photograph everyone.  From tiny babies to those that have lived a long, rich life.  I was touched by what these ladies have started.  Not many can handle this facet of life, but Cynthia and Heather have embraced it, and allow people to see a more loving, tender and compassionate side of death and the dying. 

If you are interested in their work, or are curious as to how to help in any way, please visit their website and blog:

Have a great day, London.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Have you been to "The Been?"

After writing about the London moms business Facebook group, it got me thinking about the local businesses that are in this group, and how I've ended up following quite a few of these ladies on their own Facebook business pages or Instagram accounts.  One business in particular that I wanted to highlight caters to local talent ONLY (awesome), and all the wares can be found in one convenient location. The Been Garden can be found in the East Village, just past the Western Fair grounds on Dundas St. 

This store reminds me of the London moms Facebook group, in the sense that the items showcased here are incredibly unique and locally handcrafted, but instead of ordering through the local group online, you can go to the Been Garden and purchase items directly.  Lots of small business owners post that their items are being carried in the store, and many items sell out quickly due to their popularity (chemical/dye free dryer balls, guys, are a HUGE hit. Really!)

This store has it all.  And by all, I mean it carries so many interesting, original and diverse items that make great gifts or add personality to any home. From battle axes (yes, you read correctly), to yummy-smelling handmade soaps and creams, to sweet baby wear, even handmade baby toys.... all that is unique is here for your local shopping perusal and pleasure.  Owner Kandice Trickett encourages people to come by and support local, small businesses with her friendly personality and fun, fresh store.  There is always something super interesting in the front display window and Kandice's eclectic style makes the shop cozy and inviting.  All in all, a very worth-it trip out to the East village.  And how can you beat supporting local businesses? Kandice included?

Oh, and starting mid-Mayish, you'll be able to stop into her new cafĂ©, co-owned with another local business owner, Katie (find her store right behind the Been Garden, called For You Clothing Co). Saunter into 10eighteen for some delicious treats and beverages. Coffee being my particular choice, of course. Looking forward to trying out the java, Kandice.

Have a great day, London.

Click here to get directions to the Been Garden.

A place for London mamas in business....

So, as I was scrolling through my Facebook feed this morning, I realized that a HUGE local resource is right in front of my fingertips (literally) that I actually tap into quite often.  It's a group on Facebook called London Ontario Mom to Mom Handmade and Home Business Goods. Quite the long title, but very aptly named, as this group includes moms that live in and around the London area that have started their own, local business or sell products/services via direct sales.  Not only does this lovely group of women share their wares and sales and promotions, but they also share tips and advice that can really help a small business owner out.  Particularly when you first get your feet wet in the world of sales.  
The products offered in this group are great - you can get anything from gel nail tips to homemade cookies (always beautifully made), to photography services.  London moms can also go onto this group and request things to be made - lots of shout outs for custom cakes, custom gifts, unique items that could only be made by talented, small business owners. I myself have "shopped" through this group many times and have found some fantastic, quality products that have gone over very well as gifts or even as an indulgence to myself once in a while!  Another great thing about this group is that the ladies tend to review the products they have received from these businesses.  Most of the time the reviews are positive and very helpful - one review steered me right to a sweet little organic clothing business that I fell IN LOVE with, and will no doubt be mentioning in a blog post all on it's own in the near future.  A feature that I personally like is that the group is listed as "secret" so no spammers hack in to the group and fill it's news feed with unnecessary "junk mail." This also means that you can't just join and start posting - the admins will approve you and it's best to review their group policies before posting your items or requests.  They aren't lengthy and very fair (eg// please refrain from referring a potential customer to big box stores, or national chains, since the local ladies can probably provide the customer with the same product made by their own local and small business).  Makes sense, right?

And if you are looking for craft shows to go to, local mom swaps, or any type of vendor-related activity, this is the group to join because the event, dates and info will be posted here.  

Overall, I have found this Facebook group to be informative, helpful and definitely useful.  It's a must if you are a mom looking to expose your small business, especially if you are from London. So if you haven't already done so, request to be added to this group and check out the amazing local talent these London moms have to offer.

Have a great day, London.